0–1 The 4th Industrial Revolution

Michael J Walenciej
2 min readMar 29, 2021

We are now living in what will be known as a moment of 0 to 1. That is non existence and existing. Artificial Intelligence and Deep Machine learning technologies are now moving us forward out of the digital industrial complex and into the 4th Industrial Revolution. A revolution that is now part of the human evolution storybook and creating a juxtaposition of the physical, digital, and biological spheres.

The greatest threats to world economies and peace currently would be Artificial Intelligence, Identity Politics, and Climate Change. Interestingly enough embracing the 4th Industrial Revolution is the first step in mitigating the risks of A.I., Identity Politics, and Climate Change. Mega Data and Artificial Intelligence when used against individuals, societies, or countries has the potential to cause disorder, economic disruption, an endless amount of cyber security threats and ultimately present an existential threat to humankind.

It is now only a choice of who has access to the technology first. It becomes eerily similar to the pro 2nd amendment folks side of the argument of “the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.” Only in the cyber security and artificial intelligence world the threats are much greater. SMART technologies and the Internet of Things will only continue by natural market driven forces. The free market. In the 0–1 moment we are forced to embrace this concept or get left behind as well as being left open to the risks.

The good news is that if we embrace the technology and join the fight in making sure that the science and technology is only used to benefit all of human society then the 0–1 moment will get human evolution more towards our optimal potential. Either way the change is happening and the world will be changing rapidly. Faster than ever before in human history. Risks will need to be navigated on many fronts, with many stakeholders, and will test our ability to adapt to change. The only way is to innovate but remember, lets innovate from 0–1.

